Testimonials - Urban Self Protection

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About USP

"John Bowman is an Instructor who knows how to teach realistic self-defence because of his training and background. He’s not theory, he’s real world”.

Jim Wagner

“John Bowman has both significant experience and learning in the field of effective self-protection. This combination is what makes him a world-class Instructor.

His no nonsense approach, which strips away anything superfluous, and combines both physical and non-physical tools, puts what he teaches at the very centre of what anyone genuinely concerned to protect themselves should know.”

David Stevens
Chief Instructor at Krav Maga Nottingham and member of the International Krav Maga Federation Global Instructors Team (Expert Level 2), Urban Combatives Instructor, F.A.S.T Defence/F.A.S.T Combatives Instructor.
Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
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